Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Well clinics were going well until my body decided I needed to be sidelined for 5 weeks. Had an ovarian cyst that was cutting off blood supply to my ovary which was causing me a lot of pain. Had the surgery scheduled for March 5th but my body once again decided March 1st that it was going to happen. My doctor decided since I was burning through so much pain meds he was going to have to do the surgery that day and not laparoscopically like originally planned. So yeah, surgery went well, spiked a fever 2 days afterward for 1 1/2 days and had to stay 28 hours after the fever broke...then 3ish days after I got home my incision opened up and was deemed infected....went to a wound clinic and am now hooked up to a wound vacuum until my incision heals..... oy...needless to say its been a long road but on the road to recovery now! I can finally walk a ways w/out being tired but still tire easily. Other than that Florida has been COLD! With only a few days of warm weather I'm about to head back to the caribbean........well....probably not. Anyways I start clinics back up next week and on a slower rotation thank God! No romance in my life.... have moved on from the island and probably will never look back. Too many opportunities here :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Start of a new chapter

So I've started my clinical year @ UF at the Veterinary school and to say the least, its not bad so far. Grant it I'm starting out on one of the easiest rotations here but thank God I am. My anxiety wouldn't be able to take it! Dodger and Oliver are settling fine. I think Dodge misses the dogs from home to play with but glad to have me back. I'm freakin glad to have him back! I'm pretty lonely here right now but hopefully that will change soon. Everyone here seems nice I just need to stop being a poop and get myself out there. Who know's where things might end up :) As for my heart, I think its back w/ me again. No idea where things are and missing my friends from home/and the island doesn't help either.
Some times I dont pay attention and drive on the wrong side of the road......ooops. Its funny whats stays with you and what doesn't when you life somewhere different.
Missing a lot these days, lets hope things turn around! Cheers!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Last week!

Last week on the island! Really excited but also leaving my heart here, we'll see where things go! The upside is that I get to be reunited with my Dodger dog!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Things are coming together

18 more days left in "paradise". Its crazy to think that I'll be saying good bye to a place that I've hated for so long but its almost become home. Craziness! Alls I've got for today.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Time to start the diet again

Soooo in the midst of the Holiday season, I've come to realize that I'm too over weight and need to be on my diet again.... here's to losing the lbs again!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Twas the night before Thanksgiving

I feel like I've been slacking in the things I appreciate. So today I'm going to list everything I'm thankful for!

1) Friends (on island and @ home)

2) Family (esp. my parents, I put them through a lot!)

3) Given the chance to prove that I can make it through Veterinary school and achieve my dream!

4) My dog and my cat (yup, they teach me to lighten up and laugh and give unconditional love)
*Oh and the other 5 doggies sitting @ home too!

5) My health

6) To have a roof over my head

7) To have shoes on my feet

8) To have too much to eat

9) To have a vehicle waiting for me when I get home

10) Patience

11) God, he does a lot for me!

12) Internet (sad I know but living down here its my savior for keeping in touch!)
13) Electricity (ya never know how much you miss the things you take advantage of @ home!)
14) Dr. Cloutier. I wouldn't be where I am today!
15) My memere and pepere, even though they aren't on earth I know they are always watching over me!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Catch up

Hey all,
Just wanted everyone fill everyone in and update everyone on what I've been up to and where I'm going. Today I'm 28 days away from getting off the island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean and continuing my final year in veterinary school @ the University of Florida, in Gainseville. Now this may sound like the most exciting thing ever but holy crapola, I'm ready for my life to slow down a bit! Its been a long road and life in the making.....
So in March 2006 I got accepted to Ross University School of Veterinary medicine. I couldn't believe I had got accepted to school right off the bat and had no intention on looking back. September 2006, I moved down to St. Kitts with this amazing image of what life would be on a caribbean island AND going to school to fulfill my dream of becoming a Veterinarian. Ready to leave my life behind in Maine and start a new one in a completely foreign place w/out knowing a single soul.
Welllllllll, island living isn't the most glorious thing. Yeah, beaches are nice but thats all this place has going for it. Well ok, some of the resturaunts and the owners are nice and some of the local people are great but the majority of the local population is something else. Living in a place were caucasians are a minority and dealing w/ a unedjucated population is a little trying @ some times. Especially being female....going to veterinary school because you love animals. Between many sexist and racial hashings, the way they treat animals, and their view on life, to say the least it has been a trying few years down here. BUT nonetheless it has tought me a lot about myself and what I've taken advantage of in the land of planty......
Fastforward to this past year. I've met a lot of people and have lost some friends along the way but I've learned how much TRUE friends and family mean to me. Living as far away as I do I've realized how much I need to keep people close. Whether its a postcard, phonecall or facebook I appreciated everything that people have done and you all know how much I love each and everyone one of you.
Its still hard for me to deal w/ certain situations that have occured over the past few years and I wish some people would realize that I had to move away to achieve my life goals and it was the only chance I woulda had. I wish people would have been patient with me and I was with them when the times got rough. But we all live and learn and move on.... ohhhh moving on.
So here I am today...Treasuring the family I've made down here and hating to leave them all and move to a totally new place again. Still far away from my home and farther away from someone I now hold dear to my heart..... Who knows what will happen in this year. LOVE? Heartbreak? New Friendships? Lost friendships? Alls I know is that I'll be reunited with my one and only Dodger dog and we'll be on the road again. I'm almost done achieving my dream! One more year to go and a few more tests and I'll be a Veterinarian! I come back home December 20th and start my drive down the Florida January 3rd with Nikki, Dodger, and my cat Oliver. It will be fun! We'll see how good I get w/ this blogging thing!